Laugh at your friend's jokes

Laugh at your friend's jokes, even the dumb ones, Jokes. Find a partner that makes you laugh. Women say it all the time but the same is true for men. Think in terms of Us and not I.

After the lust of your relationship wears off, the companionship of your best friend will amaze you.

When considering traits in a potential partner, it's important to balance practical considerations with emotional compatibility. While financial stability can be an important aspect of a long-term relationship, it's just one piece of the puzzle. Here are a few traits to consider:

  1. Financial Responsibility: This encompasses more than just a credit score or portfolio. It includes how they manage their money, whether they live within their means, and if they prioritize saving and investing for the future. Ask if they know their credit score?
  2. Communication: Effective communication is key in any relationship. Look for someone who is open and honest about their financial situation and willing to discuss financial goals and concerns openly and constructively.
  3. Shared Values: It's essential to have compatible values, including attitudes towards money, spending habits, and financial goals. If you have vastly different ideas about money management, it can lead to conflict down the road.
  4. Empathy and Support: A good partner will be supportive of your  goals and understanding during challenging times. They should be willing to work together to overcome obstacles and celebrate successes as a team.
  5. Long-Term Vision: Consider whether your partner shares your long-term vision for the future, including financial aspirations, lifestyle goals, and plans for retirement. Having aligned goals can help ensure you're on the same page as you build your life together.
  6. Respect and Trust: Trust is fundamental in any relationship, including trust in each other's ability to handle finances responsibly. Mutual respect for each other's financial decisions and autonomy is essential for a healthy partnership.

Emotional connection, shared interests, values, and mutual respect are crucial for a fulfilling and lasting relationship.

At family get togethes at my grandmother's and grandfather's house the adults would be sitting at the table with us kids standing around. The topic of somebody just getting married would come up and someone would say to put a quarter in a jar for the first year and after the first year you would never take all quarters out. I never got the joke for 10 years.

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