Think positive.

Think positive: Talk positive.

It's easy to find faults in other but don't go down that road. The best way is reward or positive reinforcement.

Nobody ever erected a statue to a critic. Jean Sibelius

If you can't say anything nice, don't say nothing at all. My Grampa John

Words to remove from you vocabulary. Just, Only and But. The words Just and Only changes any statement into an apology.

But is negative reinforcement, replace it with the word "And"

Say "I will!" not "I'll try?"

Try writing statements with these words in them. Then remove or replace. Read out loud. Can you see the difference between Positive and Negative Reinforcement?

"That's not my job." You figure it out

After thought: Henry Ford. How many company failures did he have before he founded Ford Motors? Failure is how we learn and how we find out what works and what doesn't!

.Answer: Ford Motors was his fourth try.


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