Mr Manners Life Coach

Copyright © 1947-2024

I often reflect on the knowledge I’ve gained over a lifetime and realize the immense value of learning from my mistakes. It is a lesson that I wish someone had shared with me during my younger years.  I have compiled a list of these insightful ideas. I hope that by sharing them, others embarking on their life's journey can benefit from these examples.

I’ve kept a journal of Ideas of conduct passed down to me from my Great-Grandparents, Grandparents, Parents, and personal insight which I want to pass on to the younger generations.

You may be asking how did I come up with these ideas? The answer is Trial and Error. As we go through life some people will call it failures, They tend to perceive the outcome negatively. However, I want to Emphasize that such experiences can serve as Valuable Learning Opportunities. What you need to remember is it's a learning experience, if you don't try how do you know what is the right way and determine the most effective path forward?

1: Treat a Person with Respect

I think this is the most important advice I can give you. If you treat a person with respect and common courtesy they will reciprocate.

I started with a lengthy explanation about respect from classes on psychology I had in college, but I cut out all the Bull****.

At Work, on the street, at a restaurant, standing in a line, or on the phone, disregarding superficial differences regardless of their background, race, or sexual orientation, treat this person as a friend you haven't seen in years and with a happy face say something even if it's dumb. Talk To this person, Not At.  This will be the hardest part, listen to Learn from this person not to Argue.

In college, I took up Aeronautical Engineering.

I took up space. “Dumb Joke”

2: Yes Dear

The key to a good relationship is Yes Dear and a short memory (forget the past). When you fight, My Mother, Grandmother, and great-grandmother told me: "Don't ever say anything that you can't take back!" Use the words: You're being a butt, Young Lady, or Young Man in the place of four-letter words or the B & C word. Make rules about fighting.

Never go into your partner's purse, wallet, or phone, always ask permission. Trust is the key to any relationship!

3: I went to the doctor.

I went to the doctor. He told me he had good news and bad news. The bad news is that I'm going to die. The good news is not today The biggest hazard to your health is Stupidity. It's surprising how many old people have disabilities related to doing something stupid when they were young. I'm not trying to tell you not to do something stupid. I'm telling you that next time you know you're going to be doing something stupid, take a step back, look around, then decide how to do "Your Stupid Idea Safely".

4: Stress Management.

Oh my God! Oh my God! I've just read disturbing news... Our Sun will turn into a red giant and destroy the earth in 5 million. Take that back 5.2 billion years Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Call 911! ! !

Stress Management. I can predict your future. You're going to pay taxes and die. So what else is new? Don't sweat the small stuff. Stay calm even in life threatening situations. Don't panic, assess the situation, and decide on the best course of action.

Stress management is a skill to navigating the complexities of modern life. The adage don't sweat the small stuff choosing not to dwell on minor inconveniences or setbacks, we free up mental and emotional energy to tackle more pressing matters. Ask yourself are my problems life threatening?

5: Don' tell Them they are Dumb.

"If someone makes a mistake , what do you do?  Instead of calling them a Dumb Ass, it's important to recognize that we've all made mistakes at some point. Life is a journey of learning from these experiences.

When addressing someone's mistake, it's crucial to approach the conversation with empathy and understanding. Rather than focusing on making them feel foolish, offer constructive feedback and support. By helping them understand where they went wrong and how they can improve, you contribute to their growth and development.

6: No Negative Thinking.

Go out of your way to let someone know they did a good job! Tell that person if you like something (a product, color, personal looks, or idea). No negative thinking

7: Being Prejudice.

Being prejudice you will never meet some of the nicest people.  Don't let others tell you who your friends should be. Instead, approach each person with an open heart and mind, and you will be surprised by the amazing people you meet.

It's important to remember that everyone deserves to be treated with respect and kindness, regardless of their background. By being open-minded and accepting of others, we can expand our horizons and learn from different perspectives.

8: Happy not Jealous.

I have rich friends and am happy for them. One day standing in my friend's garage looking at his Bentley Super Sport ($129,000), I asked myself what is it he has that I don't? It took me a while but I finally I figured it out.

Answer: I never owned a home with a swimming pool.

I also have friends that are African-American, Cuban-American, Mexican-American, Haitian-American, Gay-American and on  & on & on ect.

My point is: I am poor and happy not jealous or envious.

9: Good Morning.

Go out of your way to say "Good Morning" to everyone By Name! I think this might be the second most important thing I can tell you. Always greet a person when they come into the room and when they leave the room will fosters positive interactions and Shows Respect. Make eye contact and smile, say good morning or hello and when they leave the room say something like see you later, have a nice day or nice meeting you!

Remember, these small gestures can make a significant difference in how people feel and contribute to a positive environment!  

Afterthought: Find a way or memory trick to remember a person's name. It's fun to see the look on their face and impresses them when you say hi Bill or Mary weeks, months or years later!

10: Good Morning.

Listen to people, educate them, invest in them, and lead them well, they will follow you anywhere.

11: Dumbest.

No matter how smart you think you are, even the dumbest person will know something you don't

12: Light Bulb or WD-40.

Have a dumb idea day, if you don't try, you will never know, don't be afraid to fail. How many times did Thomas Edison try before he perfected the light bulb or WD-40? Play around with a new idea. Do something unconventional. If you never leave your comfort zone, you won't grow. What worked yesterday may not work today.

13: Best time to have Children?

After doing years of study I like to ask People. I bet the Pope doesn't know this one. "When is the best time to have children?"

14: I Didn't Know That.

Favorite saying. "I DID NOT KNOW THAT." Never stop learning, college or trade School: the most important thing is getting in anywhere. Then find the right school. Your grades will improve. "You never learn anything when you're talking"

15: Greater Happiness.

Find a purpose, not a position. It is amazing how effortless a job is when you enjoy your work. Seek out opportunities you find interesting and exciting. It’s a recipe for greater happiness, and you’re more likely to end up successful than if you’re only thinking about the bottom line. It's sad if we’re only doing it for our paychecks. You’ll still need factors like talent and perseverance on your side.

16: Type of Personality.

What type of person are you? Do you ask "Is that enough" or "do you need more?" You need to know what type of person you are and what type of person you want to be. The best example of this is yesterday, today, or tomorrow. Are you the person that says it should have been done yesterday, I'll get it done today, or first thing tomorrow?

17: No Wimps Allowed.

The art of handshaking (no wimps allowed) and remembering a person's name. The first impression is very important.

The proper etiquette for handshaking is to approach the person face-to-face, extend your right hand, after you have gripped their hand, smile and say glad to meet you. As you are shaking their hand, feel how tight they are grasping your hand and use equal pressure, when they stop squeezing, you stop squeezing. Say their name out loud one time, repeated in your mind 10 times. Take a snapshot of their face and try to remember it the rest to your life.

18: Take The Unexpected Path.

You have to take the unexpected paths. If you're not courageous, you'll be hanging around the water cooler, talking about the person who did.

19: Find A Partner.

Laugh at your friend's jokes, even the dumb ones, Jokes. Find a partner that makes you laugh. Women say it all the time but the same is true for men. Think in terms of Us and not I.

After the lust of your relationship wears off, the companionship of your best friend will amaze you.

When considering traits in a potential partner, it's important to balance practical considerations with emotional compatibility. While financial stability can be an important aspect of a long-term relationship, it's just one piece of the puzzle.

20: More Understanding.

Sometimes there are things you can't change about a person. I'm slow about doing things and do things that my wife thinks are dumb. After 25 years you would think she would be a little more understanding before she gets mad

21: Today is Tomorrow.

Today is the tomorrow you were planning to do it, yesterday When I was 10, We planted a tree is my Uncle's yard. I remember thinking how dumb that was at the time because it would take forever to Grow. Now there is this wonderful tree in his yard. All these years later I think how short-sighted I was. The point is if you don't do it now, it will never get done.

22: Free.

Free bucket of poop. Clean it and you have a bucket.

23: Your IQ.

Your attitude is a better predictor of your success than your IQ

24: Better Then You.

It's fun to play with someone you know you can beat at a game but you will never grow until you challenge a person that is better than you. They make you Work Harder and Think Smarter.

24: Good Ideas

Talk to a person, not at. Listen to what they say. Their ideas (questions) may be right even if the answers are wrong.

25: Good Ideas

Remember this. The person working under you today may be your boss on another job.

26: Good Ideas

Think positive: Talk positive.

27: Good Ideas

Listen to people, educate them, invest in them, and lead them well, they will follow you anywhere.

28: Good Ideas

I have 3 ideas or experiences I’m not proud of that I will pass on.

1. Some time in your life you are going to do something stupid (illegal) you’re not proud of. Never! Never! Never! Let me repeat Never tell anyone. Bragging about it will land your Dumb Ass in jail.

2. Always have a point man to take the fall. If you can’t figure this out, don’t do it.

3. If you watch police stories on TV. How do most criminals get caught? Doing Something Stupid. Speeding, illegal turns, or defective equipment on the vehicle. The point is, drive defensively, don’t be in a hurry and you will never go to Jail.

Copyright © 1947-2024

